Friday, October 10, 2008

$85 Billion Bailout AIG

Here is a humorous e-mail on what to actually do with the $85,000,000,000.00! Oh, if it only could happen! Read the story HERE. at Political Talk.

$700 Billion Bailout

Here is a little information on the $700 Billion Bailout. Read more HERE. At Political Talk.

Bank Robber Hires Decoys on Craigslist, Fools Cops

A hilarious story of how a bank robber uses Craig's List to hire decoys to thwart police in capturing him after a armored truck robbery in Monroe, Wash. For more details, see rest of story HERE.


Obama on the Issues

Read Obama's views on the issues at Political Talk.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Prepositions (Education)

Do you know what prepositions are? Have you ever heard of them? Learn a little about them at: "Education is Basic".
Do you say, "Where you at?" or do you say, "Where are you?" To learn which is correct and why, see Prepositions.

McCain on Issues.

President hopeful John McCain and where he stands on the issues. Pretty self explanatory. Read more HERE.

Blogger at Democratic Underground slanders Palin!

Blogger at Democratic Underground slanders Sarah Palin! Claims that because she chooses to where a white top that she is racist! To read more please visit HERE.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Biography's of the Presidential and VP's have been posted

I have posted most of the biographies of John McCain, Sarah Palin, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama. I am tired, so I will try to finish tomorrow. I will then begin to start discussing relevant issues, such as the $700 billion bail out of Wall Street, gas and oil crises, economy, and environment.

View posts Here.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Tina Fey and other SNL players mock Sarah Palin and other political pundits

You can find several SNL skits showing their interpretation of interviews and debates of Sarah Palin and other political figures.

While funny, they do tend to show a distorted and not always accurate view of what actually happened.

Political commentaries will be conducted at:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sorry, but I am new

I have to apologize. I have never set up a web page before, nor have I ever blogged. It will take some time before I am up and completely running. This blog will be my main blog to keep all the other blogs linked and in order. Because I have lots of different (or variety of) topics, I felt it necessary to be able to link them together. This way anyone can come here and see if there is a topic/subject that they might be interested in discussing. This blog will be used for linking and occasionally posting off-topic subjects that don't fall into the other categories. Enjoy reading. :)